MorethanFavors-Wacky Wednesday-This weeks Challenge is to make anything that is St. Patricks Day Themed! My Creative Time-Throwback Thursday-Use ANY OLDER CARTRIDGE OF YOUR CHOICE for this challenge & make sure your project has the color GREEN in it. Make a project of YOUR choice!
Scrappy Moms Terrific Tuesday Challenge cartridge is a two-for - B is for Boy or Sugar & Spice. Cricut Cardz Challenge-would like for everyone to Make a tall card (9” x 4”) using any cartridges, theme or colors you’d like. MorethanFavors-asked to create anything using the colors Purple, Green & Yellow.
Challenges- I am entering this card into the following challenges. I really like this card and plus I used one my Action Wobbles.
My Creative Time (Throwback Thursday)--St. Patrick's Day Theme Paper Cutz--St. Patrick's Day Theme Crafting with Cristina--St. Patrick's Day Theme with Green Celebrate The Occasions-Theme is "St. Patrick's Day"
As long as I can remember every time I watch television and see the doctor come to the house for a doctor's visit. They tend to always have the black shiny bag with all of their equipment in it. The challenge was to use the Wild Card cart pg 65.